
Is female Homogametic?

Human females are homogametic. They form only one type of gamete having an X chromosome. Further reading: How Does Gene Linkage Affect... View Article

What are autosomes?

Autosomes are all the chromosomes except sex chromosomes. Humans contain 22 pairs of autosomes. Further reading: How Does Gene Linkage Affect... View Article

Are exons removed?

No, introns are removed at the time of processing of RNA as they are non-coding sequences. Further reading: RNA Splicing Chromosome... View Article

Are introns non coding?

Yes, introns are non-coding regions and are removed by splicing. Further reading: RNA Splicing Chromosome Structure Molecular Basis Of... View Article

Are introns removed?

Yes, introns are removed by splicing in hnRNA, i.e. precursor of mRNA. Further reading: RNA Splicing Chromosome Structure Molecular Basis... View Article