
What is a Syngamy?

Syngamy is the fusion of the male gamete and the egg cell to form a diploid zygote. Also Check: What type of cell is fungi? Name A Common... View Article

How do fungi mate?

Fungi mate sexually when two compatible hyphae come together and fuse. Two haploid cells fuse together, plasmogamy and karyogamy occur, resulting... View Article

What is Karyogamy?

Karyogamy is the fusion of two haploid nuclei to give rise to a diploid cell. Also Check: What type of cell is fungi? Name A Common Asexual... View Article

Are Ascospores asexual?

No, ascospores are sexual spores of ascomycetes. Also Check: What type of cell is fungi? Name A Common Asexual Reproductive Structure Seen... View Article