
What is the Article 256?

Article 256 deals with the obligation of States and the Union. It states that the executive power of every state shall be so exercised as to... View Article

What does cess mean?

Cess is a form of tax charged/levied over and above the base tax liability of a taxpayer. A cess is usually imposed additionally when the state... View Article

What is Tax Devolution?

One of the core tasks of a Finance Commission as stipulated in Article 280 (3) (a) of the Constitution is to make recommendations regarding the... View Article

What is the Article 148?

Article 148 of the Indian Constitution deals with provisions related to the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India. It states that there shall... View Article

What is Quo-warranto?

In the literal sense, quo-warranto means ‘by what authority or warrant’. It is issued by the court to enquire into the legality of the claim of a... View Article

What is a writ Mandamus?

Mandamus literally means ‘we command’. It is a command issued by the court to a public official asking him/her to perform his/her official duties... View Article

Who declares martial law?

The expression ‘martial law’ has not been defined anywhere in the Constitution. There is also no specific or express provision in the... View Article

What is Certiorari?

In the literal sense, Certiorari means ‘to be certified’ or ‘to be informed’. It is issued by a higher court to a lower court or tribunal either... View Article