
Paheli went to the market to buy sarees for her mother. She took out a thread from the edge of the two sarees shown by the shopkeeper and burnt them. One thread burnt with a smell of burning hair and the other burnt with the smell of burning paper. Which thread is from a pure cotton saree and which one from a pure silk saree? Give a reason for your answer.

The thread which burns with a smell of burning hair is from pure silk. This is because silk and hair are protein fibres, therefore, they produce... View Article

Complete the paragraph related to the life history of silk moth by filling in the blanks. The ____(a)___ silk moth lays ___(b)___, from which hatch ____(c)___ called ___(d)____ or ___(e)____. They grow in size and when the caterpillar is ready to enter the next stage of its life history called ___(f)____, it first weaves a covering to hold itself, which is known as ___(g)____.

The (a) female silk moth lays (b) eggs, from which hatch (c) larvae called (d) caterpillars or (e) silkworms. They grow in size and when the... View Article

Steps for the production of silk are given below in a jumbled order. Arrange them in their proper sequence. (a) Eggs are warmed to a suitable temperature for the larvae to hatch from eggs. (b) Fibers are taken out from the cocoon. (c) After 25 to 30 days, the caterpillars stop eating and start spinning cocoons. (d) The larvae/caterpillars or silkworms are kept in clean trays along with freshly chopped mulberry leaves. (e) Female silk moths lay eggs. (f) Cocoons are kept under the sun or boiled in water.

The proper sequence of the given statements are given below: a) Female silk moths lay eggs. b) Eggs are warmed to a suitable temperature for the... View Article