
Boojho, Paheli and their friend Golu were provided with a test tube each containing China rose solution which was pink in colour. Boojho added two drops of solution ‘A’ in his test tube and got a dark pink colour. Paheli added 2 drops of solution ‘B’ to her test tube and got green colour. Golu added 2 drops of solution ‘C’ but could not get any change in colour. Suggest the possible cause for the variation in their results.

Answer: Since solution A turns China rose colour to dark pink hence Solution A is an acidic solution. solution B turns China rose colour to green... View Article

State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the false statements. (a) All substances are either acidic or basic. (b) A compound if acidic will turn all indicators red. (c) Lime water turns red litmus blue. (d) Common salt dissolved in water turns blue litmus red. (e) Phenolphthalein is a natural indicator. (f) Calamine can be used to treat ant’s sting. (g) Lemon water is basic in nature.

Answer: (a) False- Substance can be acidic, basic or neutral in nature (b) False- Acids do not turn all indicators red. (c) True (d) False-... View Article