BSE Odisha - Board of Secondary Education Odisha

The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha, was formed on 3rd Nov 1994 under the Odisha Education Act 1953, which was first published in an extraordinary issue of the Odisha Gazette, dated the 27th May 1953 and as amended under Amendment no. 397 dated 26th March 1979. The BSE Odisha board controls and maintains all the necessary secondary education in the state of Odisha. Students can find all the study material for BSE Odisha class 10 here.

The board is an autonomous government body and takes charge of all the schools which are affiliated to it. The Odisha board designed the course curriculum with the aim of providing quality education to the students so that they get equipped for further graduation courses and occupations. BSE Odisha Board has also incorporated various cultural activities so that students do not get restricted to the syllabus and are able to explore their other skills.

Overview of BSE Odisha Board

BSE Odisha Board

Board of Secondary Education, Odisha

Abbreviation BSE : Board of Secondary Education, Odisha
Formation Nov 3, 1994
Type State Governmental Board of School Education
Headquarters Bajrakabati Road, Cuttack,

Pin code- 753001, Odisha, India

Principal Secretary Sri Pradipta Ku. Mohapatra, IAS
Official Language Odia and English
Phone 079 2322 0538

Functions of Odisha Board

The major functions of the board are listed below;

  1. It conducts the board exams for class 10 and 12 students. Also, the examination of other courses are conducted by the board itself.
  2. The board prepares the syllabus, textbooks and study materials for students.
  3. It issues certificates for the board exams and other exams conducted by it.

Apart from this, there are many other responsibilities that the board takes care of.

The population of Odisha state is approximately 4.37 crores, and the literacy rate is 72.87%. Most of the schools in Odisha state are affiliated to the Odisha Board of Secondary Education. Sometimes, students struggle to avail study material for studies. So, we have compiled the study material for classes 9 to 12 here.

BSE Odisha Exam Resources

Odisha Board Syllabus

With the help of the syllabus, students can easily figure out what topics to focus on more – as it provides the weightage of each unit in exams. They can prepare their study plan by focusing on the topics that carry more weightage.

BSE Odisha Board Sample Papers

Solving the sample papers helps the students revise in a better way. By solving the papers, students also get to know the important questions and paper patterns.

Odisha Board Class 9 Sample Papers
Odisha Board Class 9 Maths Sample Paper
Odisha Board Class 9 Science Sample Paper
Odisha Board Class 9 Social Science Sample Paper
Odisha Board Class 9 Sample Paper for Language Subject
Odisha Board Class 10 Sample Papers
Odisha Board Class 10 Maths Sample Paper
Odisha Board Class 10 Maths Paper 1 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 Maths Paper 2 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 General Science Paper 1 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 General Science Paper 2 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 Social Science Paper 1 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 Social Science Paper 2 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 Hindi Paper 1 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 Hindi Paper 2 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 English Paper 1 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 10 English Paper 2 Sample Paper 2014
Odisha Board Class 11 Sample Papers
Odisha Board Class 11 Maths Sample Paper
Odisha Board Class 12 Sample Papers
Odisha Board Class 12 Maths Sample Papers

Odisha Board Textbooks

BSE Odisha textbooks for primary classes:

Odisha Board Class 1 Textbooks

Odisha board class 1 hasa khelo part I textbook
Odisha board class 1 haso khelo II textbook
Odisha board class 1 hindi textbook

Odisha Board Class 2 Textbooks

Odisha board class 2 Ganita khela II Textbook
Odisha board class 2 Hasa Khusi II Textbook
Odisha board class 2 Hindi Patha II Textbook

Odisha Board Class 3 Textbooks

Odisha board class 3 Math Textbook
Odisha board class 3 Ama bhasa Textbook
Odisha board class 3 Jana-Ajana III Textbook
Odisha board class 3 English Textbook

Odisha Board Class 4 Textbooks

Odisha board Class 4 Ame-O-Ama- Paribesa Textbook
Odisha board Class 4 Ganita Textbook
Odisha board Class 4 Hindi Patha Textbook
Odisha board Class 4 English Textbook

Odisha Board Class 5 Textbooks

Odisha board Class 5 Hindi Textbook
Odisha board Class 5 Math Textbook
Odisha board Class 5 Paribesa Textbook
Odisha board class 5 English Textbook

Textbooks for classes 6- 8

Odisha Board Maths Class 6 Textbook

Odisha Board Class 6 Ganita Textbook Chapters 1-4
Odisha Board Class 6 Ganita Textbook Chapters 5-7
Odisha Board Class 6 Ganita Textbook Chapters 8-9
Odisha Board Class 6 Ganita Textbook Chapters 10-13

Odisha Board Science Class 6 Textbook

Odisha Board Class 6 Science Textbook Chapters 1-3
Odisha Board Class 6 Science Textbook Chapters 4-7

Odisha Board Class 7 Science Textbook

Odisha Board Class 7 Science Textbook Chapters 1-4
Odisha Board Class 7 Science Textbook Chapter 5-8
Odisha Board Class 7 Science Textbook Chapter 9-13
Odisha Board Class 7 Science Textbook Chapter 14-17

Odisha Board Class 7 Maths Textbook

Odisha Board Class 7 Maths Textbook Chapters 1-4
Odisha Board Class 7 Maths Textbook Chapters 5-8
Odisha Board Class 7 Maths Textbook Chapters 9-12

Odisha Board Class 8 General Science(Life) Textbook

Odisha Board Class 8 General Science(Life) Textbook Chapters 1-4
Odisha board Class 8 General Science(Life)Textbook-Chapters 5-8
Odisha board Class 8 General Science(Life)Textbook-Chapters 9-13
Odisha board Class 8 General Science(Life)Textbook-Chapters 15-19

Odisha Board Class 8 Sarala Ganita Textbook

Odisha Board Class 8-Sarala-Ganita Textbook Chapters 1-4
Odisha Board Class 8-Sarala-Ganita Textbook Chapters 5-8
Odisha Board Class 8-Sarala-Ganita Textbook Chapters 9-10

Odisha Board Class 8 Sarala Geometry Textbook

Odisha board Class 8-Sarala-Geometry Textbook Chapters 1-2
Odisha board Class 8-Sarala-Geometry Textbook Chapters 3-4
Odisha board Class 8-Sarala-Geometry Textbook Chapter 5

Students can also visit the link below to access all information related to these classes, such as syllabus, sample papers, textbooks etc.

Odisha Board Class 9
Odisha Board Class 10
Odisha Board Class 11
Odisha Board Class 12
Odisha Board Date Sheet 2019
Odisha Board Result 2019

Students who are aiming to score higher marks should plan their studies right from the beginning of the academic session. Also, they should try to understand the concepts clearly as it will help them in higher classes and higher education levels. Students can also find study resources for higher classes like BSE Odisha class 12 here.

Keep learning and stay tuned for further updates on Odisha Board. Download BYJU’S App and subscribe to YouTube Channel to access interactive Maths and Science Videos.

Other resources that students can access from BYJU’S include the BSE Odisha 8th class math book download

Frequently Asked Questions on BSE Odisha Board


What is BSE Odisha?

The Board of Secondary Education, Odisha is a body corporate that constitutes under the Odisha Secondary Education Act, 1953. The board provides varied courses in order to equip students for different occupations – to prepare them for University education and to equip them for various cultural purposes.


In which year was college education started in Odisha division?

The first primary school of Odisha division was created in 1822 by missionaries. Odisha’s first modern school, the Cuttack Zilla School, up to matriculation level, was established in 1866 which later extended to become a Collegiate school in 1868. It provided first and second-year college education to Odia students.


When will Odisha Class 10 Examinations Result 2023 be released?

The results for BSE Class 10th examinations were released by the Board of Secondary Education (BSE), Odisha on 18 July 2023 at 10 A.M.


How can I check my BSE Odisha ssc results?

Students can go to and to find out their results. Students should have their board examination credentials like roll number and date of birth ready to access their marksheets.


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