
Choose the correct option from the below about food chain: i) The flow of energy is not unidirectional in food chain. ii) The size of any food chain is usually restricted to 3-5 trophic levels. iii) For food chains to sustain, the inorganic nutrients must keep circulating. iv) As the trophic levels increases, the size of the population decreases.

In a food chain energy is always transferred from one trophic level to the next one i.e. from 1st trophic level to 2nd trophic level and in same... View Article

Choose the correct option from the below about biodegradable substance: i) Bio degradable substances are easily decomposed by microorganisms and thus can easily mix into the soil again after a short interval of time. ii) They are not capable pf maintaining a good mechanical integrity unless its completely degraded. iii) They are non-toxic in nature. iv) All compostable is always biodegradable but all biodegradable is not compostable.

The correct option is iii) They are non-toxic in nature.... View Article