
Boron is a _______

Boron is a metalloid. Boron is a chemical element with the atomic number of five that is present in the earth's crust and in the solar system.... View Article

D2O is known as___

Answer: D2O is known as heavy water. Heavy water is a compound which is made up of oxygen and deuterium, a heavier isotope of hydrogen which is... View Article

Cell in Latin means_____

Answer: Cell in Latin means little room. Every living species is made up of cells, the cell is referred to as a fundamental unit of life.... View Article

The SI unit of time is:

Time has the SI unit second. Scientists have measured the world's smallest unit of time, and it's called the zeptosecond. It was recorded by a... View Article

A lustrous non-metal is:

Lustrous is defined as metals that have a shiny appearance. The shiny appearance of the metals is called metallic lustre. Metals have the... View Article