
What Does S Mean In Math

In mathematics, the letter capital S represents the sum of a sequence of numbers, whereas the small “s” means the sample standard deviation. The... View Article

Why Do Esters Smell Sweet

The ester smells sweets when alcohol is reacted with the carboxylic group. The smell of the ester can vary, and it depends on the corresponding... View Article

What Is The Cp Cv Ratio

The Cp/Cv ratio is also called the heat capacity ratio. In thermodynamics, the heat capacity ratio is known as the adiabatic index. Cp/Cv ratio... View Article

Is Soap A Salt

Yes, soap is a salt. We can say that the soap is a salt of fatty acid. Because, the soap is a mixture of a weak acid and a strong base, which... View Article

What Is Equilibrium Mean

If an object is said to be in a state of equilibrium, then all the forces which act upon the object are balanced. It is defined as the state of... View Article