
What Are Akinetes?

One of the methods through which vegetative reproduction exists in Nostoc is akinetes. Akinetes are resting pores formed to tide over adverse... View Article

What Is Hormogonia?

Vegetative reproduction exists in Nostoc in several methods. One of which is hormogonium. Hormogonium is part of the trichome between two... View Article

Is Cancer Inherited?

Genetic analysis of family histories of cancer patients shows that most of the common cancers have no genetic pattern. But there are cases of... View Article

How Does Cancer Spread?

One of the biggest problems of cancer is its capacity to spread in the body. It spreads by one or all the following 3 methods - Lymphatic... View Article

What Is Terminalization?

Chromosomes in diakinesis will have undergone maximum condensation and appear thicker and shorter than at any other stage. As the homologous... View Article