
What is the variation?

Answer: Differences in the genetic makeup or phenotypic of diverse species are known as variations. Mutation, recombination during gamete... View Article

What are fungi?

Answer: Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that include yeasts, moulds, and mushrooms as well as other microorganisms. These organisms belong to the... View Article

What is heredity?

Answer: Heredity is the natural process of passing down features or qualities from one parent to their offspring through genes. It is a tool for... View Article

What are protozoans?

Answer: Microorganisms are minute organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. Microorganisms are so tiny that only a microscope can see them.... View Article

What are microorganisms?

Answer: Microorganisms are minute organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. Microorganisms are so tiny that only a microscope can see... View Article

What are plant tissues?

Answer: Tissues are a group of cells that combine together to perform a particular function. Plant tissues are of various types and are made up... View Article