
Who are the Agaria?

They were a community of iron smelters who lived in Central India. A series of famines devastated the dry tracts of India in the late nineteenth... View Article

What is bandanna?

Bandanna is a bright coloured cloth produced through a method of dying and tying. Bandanna was derived from the word bandhna which means tying... View Article

What is jamdani?

A fine muslin on which decorative motifs are woven using a loom is known as Jamdani. The decorative motifs were usually in white and grey.... View Article

What is biodiversity?

The term biodiversity (from “biological diversity”) refers to the variety of life on Earth at all its levels, from genes to... View Article

How do vaccines work?

Vaccines are treatments that improve your immunity to a certain disease. They are usually made from weakened or killed bacteria or viruses. They... View Article

Why should we save paper?

Paper is an important thing that we use in our daily life. Papers are manufactured from the tress and per year countless tress are cutting down... View Article