
Two drops of dilute sulphuric acid were added to 1 g of copper sulphate powder and a then a small amount of hot water was added to dissolve it (step I). On cooling, beautiful blue coloured crystals got separated (step II). Step I and Step II are: (a) physical and chemical changes, respectively. (b) chemical and physical changes, respectively. (c) both physical change. (d) both chemical change.

Answer: (c) both physical changes. Dissolution of copper sulphate powder in water in the presence of sulphuric acid is a physical change. On... View Article

Paheli’s mother made a concentrated sugar syrup by dissolving sugar in hot water. On cooling, crystals of sugar got separated. This indicates a – (a) a physical change that can be reversed. (b) the chemical change that can be reversed. (c) a physical change that cannot be reversed. (d) the chemical change that cannot be reversed.

Answer: (a) a physical change that can be reversed. A chemical change results from a chemical reaction, while a physical change is when matter... View Article

Which of the following is/are true when milk changes into curd? i) Its state is changed from liquid to semi-solid. ii) It changes colour. iii) It changes the taste. iv) The change cannot be reversed. Choose the correct option from below : (a) (i) and (ii) are correct (b) (ii) and (iii) are correct (c) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct (d) (i) to (iv) are correct

Answer: (c) (i), (iii) and (iv) are correct When milk turn to curd it changes its shape to semisolid, its taste turn sour but its colour remains... View Article

Boojho, Paheli and their friend Golu were provided with a test tube each containing China rose solution which was pink in colour. Boojho added two drops of solution ‘A’ in his test tube and got a dark pink colour. Paheli added 2 drops of solution ‘B’ to her test tube and got green colour. Golu added 2 drops of solution ‘C’ but could not get any change in colour. Suggest the possible cause for the variation in their results.

Answer: Since solution A turns China rose colour to dark pink hence Solution A is an acidic solution. solution B turns China rose colour to green... View Article