
The average life expectancies of males for several states are shown in the table. Express each decimal in the form p/q and arrange the states from the least to the greatest male life expectancy. State-wise data are included below; more indicators can be found in the “FACTFILE” section on the homepage for each state. Source: Registrar General of India (2003) SRS Based Abridged Lefe Tables. SRS Analytical Studies, Report No. 3 of 2003, New Delhi: Registrar General of India. The data are for the 1995-99 period; states subsequently divided are therefore included in their pre-partition states (Chhatisgarh in MP, Uttaranchal in UP and Jharkhand in Bihar)

State Male p/q form Lowest terms Andhra Pradesh 61.6 Assam 57.1 Bihar 60.7 Gujarat 61.9 Haryana 64.1... View Article

The table shows the portion of some common materials that are recycled. (a) Is the rational number expressing the amount of paper recycled more than 1/2 or less than 1/2? (b) Which items have a recycled amount less than 1/2? (c) Is the quantity of aluminium cans recycled more (or less) than half of the quantity of aluminium cans? (d) Arrange the rate of recycling the materials from the greatest to the smallest.

Material Recycled Paper 5/11 Aluminium cans 5/8 Glass 2/5 Scrap 3/4 Solution (a)  Answer The... View Article