
Zafar Mahal [UPSC Notes]

In April 2023, the Archeological Survey of India decided to begin conservation works in the Zafar Mahal located in Mehrauli in South Delhi. In... View Article

26 अप्रैल 2023 : PIB विश्लेषण

कैबिनेट ने चिकित्सा उपकरण क्षेत्र के लिए नीति को मंजूरी दी:   इफ्को नैनो डीएपी (तरल) का लोकार्पण: विश्व बैंक के रसद प्रदर्शन सूचकांक... View Article

Heat Dome [UPSC Notes]

The US has faced extreme heat waves recently, caused by a weather phenomenon called 'heat domes.' In this context, it is important to understand... View Article