
Is Algae A Prokaryote?

Algae are eukaryotic organisms. Also Read:  Are Eukaryotic Cells Simpler Than Prokaryotic? Which Cells Are Classified As Prokaryotes? Is... View Article

Is Yeast A Prokaryote?

Yeasts, though single-celled organisms are eukaryotes. Also Read:  Are Eukaryotic Cells Simpler Than Prokaryotic? Which Cells Are... View Article

How Do Prokaryotes Eat?

Autotrophic prokaryotes use photosynthesis (or chemosynthesis) while heterotrophic prokaryotes use organic compounds (usually from other... View Article

How Do Prokaryotes Grow?

Prokaryotes grow to a fixed size and then they reproduce through the process of binary fission. Also Read:  Are Eukaryotic Cells Simpler... View Article

Can We Make Dinosaurs?

DNA is required for the process of cloning and dinosaurs went extinct around 65 million years ago. Though dinosaur bones are still around, DNA is... View Article