
What Causes Dystocia?

Dystocia is the result of 4 distinct abnormalities which can exist individually or in combination, these are - Voluntary muscles generate... View Article

Define Perimenopause.

Perimenopause can be defined as that period around menopause which is characterized by the irregular function of ovaries and irregularity in... View Article

How Are Coal Balls Formed?

Basis the nature of fossilization, fossils are grouped into several types. Coal balls are one of the types. Coal balls are petrified plant organs... View Article

What Are Pseudofossils?

Based on the nature of fossilization, fossils are grouped into many types. It is a type of fossil. Rocks sometimes take the form of a few plant... View Article

What Is Copal?

Copal belongs to the group of hard resins comprising a little essential oil only. They find applications in the varnish industry as a result of... View Article