
Draw a number line and answer the following: (a) Which number will we reach if we move 4 numbers to the right of – 2. (b) Which number will we reach if we move 5 numbers to the left of 1. (c) If we are at – 8 on the number line, in which direction should we move to reach – 13? (d) If we are at – 6 on the number line, in which direction should we move to reach – 1?

Solution (a) When we move 4 numbers to the right of -2, we will reach 2 (b) When we move 5 numbers to the left of 1, we will reach at -4 (c)... View Article

Following is the list of temperatures of five places in India on a particular day of the year. Place Temperature Siachin 10°C below 0°C …………….. Shimla 2°C below 0°C …………….. Ahmedabad 30°C above 0°C …………….. Delhi 20°C above 0°C …………….. Srinagar 5°C below 0°C …………….. (a) Write the temperatures of these places in the form of integers in the blank column. (b) Following is the number line representing the temperature in degree Celsius. Plot the name of the city against its temperature. (c) Which is the coolest place? (d) Write the names of the places where temperatures are above 10°C.

Solution: (a) Siachin – 100 C Shimla – 20 C Ahmedabad + 300 C Delhi + 200 C Srinagar – 50 C... View Article

Adjacent figure is a vertical number line, representing integers. Observe it and locate the following points: (a) If point D is + 8, then which point is – 8? (b) Is point G a negative integer or a positive integer? (c) Write integers for points B and E. (d) Which point marked on this number line has the least value? (e) Arrange all the points in decreasing order of value.

Solution: (a)If point D is +8, then point F is -8 (b) Point G is a negative integer (c) Point B is 4 and point E is – 10 (d) The... View Article