
Can lagoon be called lake?

No, Lagoons are different from lakes. Lagoons are calm and shallow water bodies surrounded by barriers. They are formed when a shallow water body... View Article

How deep is a lagoon?

The lagoon is a calm and shallow water body surrounded by barriers. The depths of lagoons are usually less than 20 metres and rarely exceed 60... View Article

Are lagoons calm?

Yes, Lagoons are calm and shallow water bodies surrounded by barriers. They are protected from a larger body of water (usually the ocean) by... View Article

Who was Khalifa?

Khalifa or Khalifah is a name or title which means "successor", "ruler" or "leader". It most commonly refers to the leader of a Caliphate, but is... View Article

How did general Dyer die?

General Reginl Dyer suffered a series of strokes during the last years of his life and he became increasingly isolated due to the paralysis and... View Article

Who broke the salt law?

The Salt Law was broken by Mahatma Gandhi during the infamous Salt Satyagraha. It was an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in colonial India... View Article