
What Is Sin X Pi 2

We have to find sin (x + π/2) using the sum identity of sin we know that sin(A + B) = sinA cosB + cosA sinB sin (x + π/2) = sin x cos... View Article

Evaluate 6c3

We have to evaluate the expression 6 C3 To evaluate the expression 6C3 we use the following formula nCr =n! / r! (n - r)! n = 6 r = 3... View Article

Convert 2 5 Into Per Cent

To convert fraction to a per cent, you just need to multiply the fraction by 100 and reduce it to per cent. Here are a few examples that will... View Article

What Is The Value Of E

The exponential constant is a significant mathematical constant and is denoted by the symbol ‘e’. It is approximately equal to 2.718.... View Article

What Is 40 Of 60

We have to find 40% of 60 A percentage is a number or ratio that can be expressed as a fraction of 100. To calculate the percentage of a... View Article