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How many times has GSLV been launched?

Until 2018, the GSLV launch vehicle was used 13 times. There are two launches of GSLV slated for the year 2021. You can read about the GSLV Mk III – A Comprehensive Overview of Heavy Lift Launch Vehicle in the given link.

Further readings:

  1. Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO Notes for UPSC]
  2. Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) – A Complete Overview of Mangalyaan Mission
Related Links
Cartosat 2 – An Overview of Cartosat Series Earth Observation Satellites Programme of ISRO List of Space Centres & Indian Space Agencies
Juno Mission – Objective, Scientific Instruments, Significance of the Mission Eyes In The Sky: Military Satellite: RSTV – In Depth
Cassini Orbiter – Exploring Saturn and its Satellites ISRO’s Earth Observing Satellite: EOS – 01


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