Agriculture Questions & Answers

Agriculture Questions & Answers

Agriculture has become one of the challenging topics from which questions are asked in IAS Exam every year. The topic is so diverse in nature that it becomes pertinent for aspirants to know underlying concepts in Agriculture for UPSC.

If someone goes through the previous years' Agriculture questions asked in prelims and mains, they would find out that basic knowledge of agriculture-related terms, issues and initiatives forms the building blocks of answers to all these.

Here at BYJU’S Agriculture Education Portal, UPSC Experts have come forward to answer even the tiniest doubt of the aspirant in relation with agricultural concepts. The compilation of all questions and answers are given below:

India is the second-largest producer of wheat in the world. Major wheat growing states in India are Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya...
China, India and Indonesia are the leading producers of rice in the world. India is the second-largest producer of rice after China.  Further...
China is the largest producer of wheat in the world. The other leading producers of wheat include India,  Russia, the United States of America,...
West Bengal is the largest producer of wheat in India, followed by Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. Further Reading: Major Crops India Agriculture...
This is the second most important cereal crop. Wheat is a Rabi crop that requires a cool growing season and bright sunshine at the time of...
The Green Revolution was implemented by the Government of India for the modernisation of agriculture. The programme was based on providing...
commercial crop farming is also known as agribusiness. It is a type of farming in which crops and livestock are raised to sell the products on...
Commercial crop agricultural or horticultural product that is cultivated for commercial purposes. Wheat, maize, potatoes, rice, sorghum,...
Coffee, cotton, raw jute, sugarcane, tea, tobacco, groundnut, rapeseed, mustard, and soybean are some of the major commercial crops of India....
Wheat is one of the common commercially grown crops in India. Further Reading: Major Crops India Agriculture in India Related Links...
Wheat, maize, potatoes, rice, Cassava, sorghum, soybeans, sweet potatoes, and yams are some of the main commercial crops.  Further Reading:...
A person who studies and practices horticulture is called a Horticulturist. Horticultural science includes the research, study and practice of...
Botany is a science that deals with the anatomy and chemical processes of plants. Horticultural science includes the research, study and practice...
The plants grown through horticulture are used for diversifying human diets and for enhancing our living environment.  Further Reading:...
Horticulture an art of production, utilisation and improvement of horticultural crops, such as fruits and vegetables, spices and condiments,...
The term horticulture is derived from two Latin words Hortus, meaning ‘garden’, and Cultura meaning ‘cultivation’. It refers to crops cultivated...
The term horticulture is derived from two Latin words Hortus, meaning ‘garden’, and Cultura meaning ‘cultivation’. It refers to crops cultivated...
In horticulture plants cultivated are both food crops and non-food crops like vegetables, trees, flowers, turf, shrubs, fruits and nuts on a...
Horticulture is a  branch of agriculture that deals with garden crops, generally fruits, vegetables, and ornamental plants. Further Reading:...
Horticulture can be considered as a sub-branch of agricultural science. In the Horticulture Society, people cultivate vegetables, trees, flowers,...