Environment Questions & Answers for UPSC

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greeds,” – Mahatma Gandhiji. Environment has become one of the focal points in discussions and debate across the globe. The significance of ‘Environment’ as a UPSC topic is also relatively bigger as questions surrounding climate change, ecology, biodiversity are seeing an upward trend in the civil services exam question papers.

This segment covers all your queries w.r.t environment, ecology, biodiversity, climate change and more. Not only will you find answers to a wide range of questions; you would also be able to align your UPSC preparation with these questions.

Benefits of Environment Questions for IAS Exam

The IAS Exam aspirants can get the following benefits while going through the below-mentioned environment questions:

  • It fits all – Questions from a minor issue to an issue that has a global relevance are covered.
  • Doesn’t Discriminate – None of the doubts of the aspirants have been neglected. All doubts that are related to the UPSC examination or are related to the basic knowledge of environment have been answered by UPSC experts.
  • Helps in Prelims, Mains GS 3 and even essay papers – These answers would solve various doubts w.r.t environment-related topics. Hence, these will come handy in all stages of examination.
  • Apart from IAS Exam, these questions can be useful for other government exams as well.
Coral Reefs are one of the most valuable ecosystems on Earth. Given below are the importance of these reefs: They support more species per...
Eco-industrial development is a recent concept of integrating economic, social and environmental aims in a concrete form. Eco-industrial...
Types of industrial waste include dirt and gravel, masonry and concrete, scrap metal, oil, solvents, chemicals, scrap lumber, even vegetable...
Burning fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and petroleum; chemical solvents used in dyeing and tanning industries, untreated gas and the liquid...
Industrial pollution affects humans in numerous ways. Pollutants enter the human body through the respiratory system or skin and cause allergic...
Volcanoes, desert dust, sea spray, meteorites, decay of radon, and fires are some of the sources of natural pollution. Further Reading:...
Ecotype is a group of organisms, normally a subdivision of a species, that is adapted to a specific environment. It is sometimes called...
Lion-tailed macaques can be spotted in small and severely fragmented rainforests of the Western Ghats in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Read...
Examples of primary consumers can include rabbits, bears, giraffes, flies, humans, horses, and cows. Further Readings -  Energy Flow in...
Secondary consumers are largely carnivores that feed on the primary consumers or herbivores. They are heterotrophs, specifically carnivores and...
A food chain describes how energy and nutrients move through an ecosystem. Energy is transferred from one living organism through another in the...
Trophic levels are the order the organism is placed on the food chain. These levels are divided into producers (first), consumers (second, third...
Food chains are important because they show the intricate relationships in ecosystems. They can reveal how each organism depends on someone else...
Decomposers are an important part of a food chain because they break down dead plants and animals and also the waste of other organisms, thus,...
A food chain symbolizes the path of energy within an ecosystem. Each food chain is one possible path that energy and nutrients may take as...
A food chain shows how energy is transferred from one living organism to another through food. It is important because it shows the intricate...
Increased availability of light to plants along the edges allows more plants to be supported (greater diversity) and increases productivity....
When used in the science of ecological biology, the term niche is used to define an organism's role in an ecosystem. It Includes the environment...
In ecology, the term “niche” describes the role an organism plays in a community. A species’ niche encompasses both the physical and...
The niche of an organism is the functional role that it plays within an ecosystem. The niche is determined by the biotic factors, which...