History Questions & Answers for IAS Exam

UPSC exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams conducted in the country and the preparation for the same requires thorough preparation and deep knowledge of various subjects included in the IAS syllabus. History constitutes to be one of the most important subjects for both prelims and mains examination.

Aspirants looking for brief answers to clear their queries regarding the wide-ranging ancient, medieval and modern history questions have landed at the correct place. We, at BYJU’S, bring to you direct, brief and crisp answers to questions based on history topics for your IAS Exam preparation.

Given below is the list of questions and candidates can find their answers for a better and easy understanding of concepts, with a special focus on General Studies I paper for the mains examination.

The Neolithic Age is divided into four stages: Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Pre-Pottery Neolithic C Late Neolithic...
In India, the Mesolithic period began in 9000 BC and ended around 4500 BC. For further reading check the following articles: Prehistoric Age...
The neolithic period did not begin or end in tandem in the subcontinent. Instead there were three periods in the Neolithic periods in the...
The Neolithic Age is said to have begun around 10,000 BC and lasted until 4500 BC For further reading check the following articles:...
While the mesolithic period was marked by widespread domestication of animals, it was in the neolithic era that agriculture practices became more...
Although the timing of the Neolithic period varies from region to region there is a general consensus that it began around 10th millennium BC and...
The Mesolithic Age began lasted from 20,000 to 8,000 BP (Before Present) in Southwest Asia and in 15,000–5,000 BP in Europe. For further reading...
In the Mesolithic period, meat was a staple diet, while in the Neolithic era, due to innovations in farming techniques, cereals, wheat etc became...
The features of Indian Mesolithic Art are as follows: Scenes depicting everyday life like hunting, dancing and domestication of animals were...
The greatest achievement of the mesolithic age was the advancement of hunting and gathering practices among humans during which a wide range of...
The major highlight of the Mesolithic period is the decline of group hunting of large animals in favour of a broader hunter-gatherer way of life....
Some of the tools of the Mesolithic age were as follows: Backed blade Lunate Trapeze Scraper Burin Choppers For further reading...
The most important discovery of the Mesolithic age was the microlith. It was a small pointed stone used for arrowheads, knives and spears. It...
The Mesolithic Age was known for the transition from crude stone tools to more sophisticated and polished variants of such tools. For further...
One of the major changes that occurred during the Mesolithic Age was improvements in gathering food. In addition to innovative methods of hunting...
A characteristic artefact of the Mesolithic period is the new forms of chipped stone tools called microliths. For further reading check the...
Both Dholavira and Lothal are sites from the Indus Valley Civilization. While Dholavira is the larger of the two most remarkable excavations of...
The Copper Age is said to have started when copper began to be used in a large quantity of food used in metalworking. For further reading, check...
Copper was first used by the Sumerians and Chaldeans of Mesopotamia when they established their thriving civilization on the banks of the...
The discovery of copper happened in prehistoric times, most likely through underground mines located around the world. The first instances of...