History Questions & Answers for IAS Exam

UPSC exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams conducted in the country and the preparation for the same requires thorough preparation and deep knowledge of various subjects included in the IAS syllabus. History constitutes to be one of the most important subjects for both prelims and mains examination.

Aspirants looking for brief answers to clear their queries regarding the wide-ranging ancient, medieval and modern history questions have landed at the correct place. We, at BYJU’S, bring to you direct, brief and crisp answers to questions based on history topics for your IAS Exam preparation.

Given below is the list of questions and candidates can find their answers for a better and easy understanding of concepts, with a special focus on General Studies I paper for the mains examination.

The Paleolithic Age, also known as the ‘Old Stone Age’, is a period in human history characterised by the widespread use of stone tools. For...
Archaeologist Louise Leakey is widely credited for the discovery of the Paleolithic Age when he discovered stone tools in Tanzania during an...
The Paleolithic Age was known for the widespread use of stone tools and the eventual harnessing of fire. For further reading check the following...
The most important discovery of the Paleolithic Age is the discovery and eventual harnessing of fire. Fire would play a crucial role in hunting...
The Paleolithic and Neolithic era were different eras in human history, there is bound to be a profound difference in the cultures between the...
A distinct characteristic of the Paleolithic era is several hominins forming groups together to hunt for animals and gathering plants, thus...
The Neolithic era was marked by a prominent use of stone tools and above all the widespread practice of agriculture. Plants such as wheat,...
The themes of Palaeolithic/Paleolithic Art consisted of animals mainly. Most of the artwork depicted scenes of hunting or fertility. Historians...
The five characteristics of the Paleolithic era are as follows: More prominent usage of stone tools Increase in the diversity of artifacts...
The three characteristics of the Paleolithic era are as follows: Widespread use of fire Belief in the afterlife and subsequent burial of the...
The main characteristic of the Paleolithic Age was the use of knapped stone tools, even though tools made of wood and bone were also in use at...
The three main characteristics of the Paleolithic Age are as follows: The inhabitants were dependent on their environment. Men were hunters...
Gandhiji initiated Rowlatt Satyagraha in 1919. There was widespread national protest agitation against the Rowlatt Act. It was mainly confined to...
The Rowlatt Act was passed in the Imperial Legislative Council in 1919. It was passed to smother the political activities in India. It was...
The Rowlatt Act was described as Black Act by Indians. This act led to Rowlatt Satyagraha. It was the first pan India protest against the British...
The Rowlatt Act was introduced in India by the Imperial Legislative Council of the British, although members from India were united in their...
Rowlatt Act was introduced to curb the freedom of Indian citizens and to suppress the political activities and movements in India. To read more...
The main aim of the Rowlatt act was to curb the fundamental rights of Indian citizens. Rowlatt Act was passed with the objective of completely...
Lord Chelmsford was the Viceroy when the Rowlatt Act was passed.  It was passed in 1919, despite opposition from Indians. To read more about the...
The Rowlatt Act was passed in 1919. It was passed to suppress the Political movement in India. To read more about the Rowlatt Act, check the...