Science and Technology Questions & Answers for UPSC

Science and Technology is that segment of UPSC Civil Services Examination that scares most of the aspirants coming from non-technical backgrounds. One question is often asked that is, “How to prepare Science and Technology for UPSC?”

Along with answering how to prepare for Science and Technology for UPSC IAS Exam, BYJU’S Science Education Portal has answered questions from wide-ranging topics that are important for the exam.

The answers are tailored to aspirants’ needs. Not only from the static topics, questions are extracted even from the current affairs topics that are related to science and technology.

How will Science Questions & Answers help UPSC aspirants?

The Science and Technology Questions & Answers portal will help IAS aspirants in the following way:

  • Clarity of topics – A variety of topics from science are covered that will bring clarity on how to approach this subject for UPSC.
  • UPSC Syllabus is the source – Any topic that is important from the civil services examination point of view has been covered in the form of questions ans answers.
  • From NCERTs to Current Affairs – Each question from a key topic that has been covered either in school textbooks or newspapers and is important from the exam’s point of view will be answered here.
Augmented Reality (AR) is used in the entertainment industry, medicine, education sector, defence sector, manufacturing etc.You can read about...
The different types of Augmented Reality (AR) are Outlining AR, location-based AR, Superimposition AR, Projection-based AR.You can read about...
VR replaces the actual world environment with 3D digital elements whereas AR does not replace the actual world environment with 3D digital...
Electromagnetic waves travel through space,solid objects, air.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in India in the given...
In the electromagnetic spectrum the lowest frequency range is 300 GHz to 3 kHz and these are known as radio waves.You can read about LIGO India -...
Gamma rays are the strongest ray.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in India in the given link. Further readings:...
Red color is the color which is least bent. Red color has longer wavelengths. You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in...
The energy of the light wave will be absorbed by the electrons and their energy state will be changed, when light is absorbed. You can read about...
Light emitting diodes (LED) are used to directly convert electrical energy into light, thereby reducing wastage of electricity. You can read...
It is a variant of data communications that uses visible light between 400 and 800 THz. Receiver and transmitter are an integral part of visible...
Pigmentation, erythema etc are the ways in which visible light affects humans.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in...
Military uses Visible-light for fire control and surveillance.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in India in the given...
Light energy is the type of energy that one can see with the help of eyes.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in India in...
Yes, light is a form of energy.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in India in the given link. Further readings:...
The visible light causes very less damage to skin when compared to other radiations.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector...
Visible light helps humans to see, this is the most important advantage of visible light. Overexposure to visible light could harm the human...
Violet color has the shortest wavelength. You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector in India in the given link. Further...
We will see black color when all visible light is absorbed. A color which an object does not absorb gets reflected by the object. You can read...
In the electromagnetic wave spectrum, visible light waves are the only waves that we can see.You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave...
Red color has the lowest energy. It has the longest wavelength and lowest frequency. You can read about LIGO India - Gravitational Wave Detector...