History Questions & Answers for IAS Exam

UPSC exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams conducted in the country and the preparation for the same requires thorough preparation and deep knowledge of various subjects included in the IAS syllabus. History constitutes to be one of the most important subjects for both prelims and mains examination.

Aspirants looking for brief answers to clear their queries regarding the wide-ranging ancient, medieval and modern history questions have landed at the correct place. We, at BYJU’S, bring to you direct, brief and crisp answers to questions based on history topics for your IAS Exam preparation.

Given below is the list of questions and candidates can find their answers for a better and easy understanding of concepts, with a special focus on General Studies I paper for the mains examination.

Pen Chao (also known as Ban Chao) was the Chinese general who was successful in defeating Kanishka. As per the book of the Later Han Dynasty, Hou...
The Aryan Invasion Theory is a hypothesis developed in the 20th century that states that a group of people called Aryans invaded northern India...
The Vedas are older than the Puranas. The Vedas were composed around circa.  1200 BC – 900 BC. The first versions of the Puranas were...
Kanishka was a follower of Buddhism. Known as Kanishka the Great, he was an emperor of the Kushan Empire in the 2nd century AD. He is famous for...
Jainism was patronised by the Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta. His grandson Ashoka would later go on to patronise Buddhism. Chandragupta Maurya was...
Kanishka, also known as Kanishka the Great, was a sovereign of the Kushan Empire who ruled from his capital at Purushapura in Gandhar....
The Indus Valley civilization had some of the most well-planned cities in the world at the time. It was a Bronze Age civilisation emerging from...
The Indus Valley civilization cities of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa are believed to be the world’s earliest planned cities. They were laid out...
The religious beliefs of the Harappans and by extension the entirety of the Indus Valley Civilisation is a matter of debate and speculation that...
From evidence of seals unearthed in Harappa, it is believed that the Harappan people worshipped both plants and animals. Among the animals they...
The religious beliefs of the Harappan civilization is a matter of debate and speculation due to the sparsity of evidence and a lack of...
The Indus Valley civilization was a bronze age civilization that emerged and thrived in the fertile river valleys of modern-day Punjab and Sindh....
The sects of Jainism are: The Digambara (Sky clad)   The Svetambara (White clad)  The Digambara sect believes in absolute...
Yes, Angas and Agamas are the same. The Angas are the 45 sacred Jain texts based on the tirthankara's discourse. The discourse is recorded by...
Jain Text is called Agamas (also called Angas). Much like their Buddhist and Hindu counterparts, the Agamas origins are verbal in nature. They...
The three jewels of Jainism are as follows: Samyagdarshana (“right faith”): Belief in the seven aspects of Reality (Tattvas) as...
The Kushan Empire fragmented into semi-independent kingdoms in the 3rd century AD. Their western half was taken over by the Sassanid Empire while...
One of the greatest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, Hrappa emerged around 2600 BC along the river valleys of modern-day Sindh and Punjab...
As one of the greatest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization, Harappa had certain features that were quite different from many contemporary...
Granaries are storehouses that are used to store grain or animal feed. They are usually built above ground to keep the food stored away from mice...