Science and Technology Questions & Answers for UPSC

Science and Technology is that segment of UPSC Civil Services Examination that scares most of the aspirants coming from non-technical backgrounds. One question is often asked that is, “How to prepare Science and Technology for UPSC?”

Along with answering how to prepare for Science and Technology for UPSC IAS Exam, BYJU’S Science Education Portal has answered questions from wide-ranging topics that are important for the exam.

The answers are tailored to aspirants’ needs. Not only from the static topics, questions are extracted even from the current affairs topics that are related to science and technology.

How will Science Questions & Answers help UPSC aspirants?

The Science and Technology Questions & Answers portal will help IAS aspirants in the following way:

  • Clarity of topics – A variety of topics from science are covered that will bring clarity on how to approach this subject for UPSC.
  • UPSC Syllabus is the source – Any topic that is important from the civil services examination point of view has been covered in the form of questions ans answers.
  • From NCERTs to Current Affairs – Each question from a key topic that has been covered either in school textbooks or newspapers and is important from the exam’s point of view will be answered here.
Ostrich egg is the largest animal cell. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in the given link. Further...
The longest cell in an animal is the nerve cell or neuron. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in the given...
Photosynthesis is the process which does not occur in animal cells. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in...
Yes, animal cells can change shape. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in the given link. Further readings:...
Yes, there is a nucleus in animal cells. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in the given link. Further...
No, animal cells do not have chloroplasts. Plant cells have chloroplast. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types...
In 1665, Robert Hooke discovered cells. Cell theory was developed by Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, for the first time in 1839....
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is given to prevent the spread of diseases caused by pneumococcal bacteria. These bacterias are responsible for...
As per health experts,pneumococcal conjugate vaccine should be given to adults who are 65 years or older and to young children who are below 2...
Meristematic cells, Sclerenchyma cells, Parenchyma cells, Phloem cells are some of the examples of plant cells. You can read about the Plant...
As per CDC, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine schedule should be 4 doses for infants at the age of 2, 4, 6, and 12 through 15 months, and for some...
The organelle which allows plants to make their own food is the chloroplast. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition,...
Hib conjugate vaccine is the most commonly used conjugate vaccine. Asymptomatic carriage of the bacteria gets reduced by vaccines that are...
All cells are made of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleic acids. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition,...
Humans are made of different types of cells such as red blood cells, white blood cells, stem cells, nerve cells, skin cells, bone cells, muscle...
If cells don’t die, then it leads to cancer. They continue to divide and grow out of control. You can read about the Plant Tissues -...
All plant cells have organelles and nucleus. Chloroplasts are found in all plants. Food is prepared by plants using chlorophyll which is present...
Yes, plants need animals for pollination, propagation and fertilization. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types...
Plant cells are unique as they have cell walls, chloroplasts, and intracellular vacuoles. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification,...
Plants are very important for the survival of all living things on earth. Plants will not survive without Plant cells. Hence plant cells are...