Science and Technology Questions & Answers for UPSC

Science and Technology is that segment of UPSC Civil Services Examination that scares most of the aspirants coming from non-technical backgrounds. One question is often asked that is, “How to prepare Science and Technology for UPSC?”

Along with answering how to prepare for Science and Technology for UPSC IAS Exam, BYJU’S Science Education Portal has answered questions from wide-ranging topics that are important for the exam.

The answers are tailored to aspirants’ needs. Not only from the static topics, questions are extracted even from the current affairs topics that are related to science and technology.

How will Science Questions & Answers help UPSC aspirants?

The Science and Technology Questions & Answers portal will help IAS aspirants in the following way:

  • Clarity of topics – A variety of topics from science are covered that will bring clarity on how to approach this subject for UPSC.
  • UPSC Syllabus is the source – Any topic that is important from the civil services examination point of view has been covered in the form of questions ans answers.
  • From NCERTs to Current Affairs – Each question from a key topic that has been covered either in school textbooks or newspapers and is important from the exam’s point of view will be answered here.
Plant cells multiply sexually through meiosis and and asexually through mitosis. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification,...
Phosphorus and water are vital for the growth of plant cells. Other requirements for growth of plants are sunlight, potassium, and nitrogen. You...
Plant cells duplicate or create identical cells when they reproduce by mitosis. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification,...
Cell wall gives the necessary strength and stiffness to the plant cell. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types...
Many plants reproduce asexually. Part of the parent plant is used to create a new plant in the asexual reproduction. You can read about the Plant...
Centrosomes play a vital role in the spindle formation in animals. Hence centrosomes are absent in plant cells but present in animal cells. You...
A unique rectangular shape is the shape of the plant cells. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in the given...
Rocks do not have cells. Only living things have cells and rock is a non living thing. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification,...
The thirteen parts of an animal cell are vacuoles, cytoplasm, vesicles, centrioles, ribosomes, nuclear membrane, cell membrane, cytoskeleton,...
Cells must have a constant supply of oxygen, minerals and sugar to keep itself alive. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification,...
The 4 parts which are common to all cells are ribosomes, cytoplasm, plasma membrane, and DNA. You can read about the Plant Tissues -...
Red Blood cells (RBC) do not have mitochondria. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in the given link....
Cytoplasm is the jelly-like material found in the cells.You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition, Types in the given...
Great Basin Bristlecone Pine is the longest surviving tree. It is more than 5000 years old. You can read about the Plant Tissues -...
As trees lack a nervous system and brain, trees won’t feel any pain. You can read about the Plant Tissues - Classification, Definition,...
As per research done and evidence gathered by Australian scientists, plants can feel when they are touched.You can read about the Stems Cells -...
The semi fluid gel like substance or the jelly like substance which contains 80% water,which surrounds the nucleus, and is found within the...
Plants do not feel pain as they do not have pain receptors.You can read about the Stems Cells - Types, Uses, Stem Cell Therapy in India in the...
Plants cells die under controlled forms known as programmed cell death.You can read about the Stems Cells - Types, Uses, Stem Cell Therapy in...
Vascular system, seed producing capability, roots, stems and leaves are the 5 main characteristics of plants.You can read about the Stems Cells -...