• Nitrogen comprises 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is the most abundant naturally occurring gas.
  • Volatility and stability in the presence of solar radiation and non-reactivity in most forms are the reasons for its abundance in Earth’s atmosphere.
  • Oxygen is the second most abundant gas, which is 21%, and Argon is the third most abundant gas at 0.93%.
  • Nitrogen and oxygen occur as diatomic molecules in the atmosphere. They together constitute 99% of the total gases in the atmosphere.
  • Other gases in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide, neon, helium, methane, krypton, xenon, iodine, carbon monoxide, and ammonia.
  • Nitrogen is present in different forms in organisms. There are amino acids, nucleic acids, and adenosine triphosphate.
  • Daniel Rutherford discovered Nitrogen in 1772.
  • Further Reading:

    Find more related IAS Questions in the linked article. 

    Related Links:

    Atmospheric pressure

    Oxygen Cycle

    Heating and Cooling of Earth’s Atmosphere

    NCERT Notes:Geography – Carbon Cycle

    Greenhouse Gases

    Origin and The Evolution of Earth


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