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Why is the industrial production index important?

The Index of Industrial Production is important for understanding the industrial activity in the economy on a monthly basis. This index is used by various private companies, policy analysts, and financial intermediaries for various analytical purposes. You can read about the Index of Industrial Production [UPSC Economy Notes] in the given link.

IIP is used by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), various departments of the Ministry of Finance while formulating policies. 

Further readings:

  1. Merger of NSSO and Central Statistical Office (CSO) to form National Statistical Office (NSO)
  2. Core Sectors of the Indian Economy

Related Links

Consumer Price Index (CPI) – Indian Economy Notes

Wholesale Price Index (WPI) – Indian Economy Notes

Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) – Calculation, Role in Economy

Producer Price Index (PPI): Definition, PPI versus CPI and WPI

Gini Coefficient – Definition, Calculation and India’s Rankings

Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) earlier known as DIPP

Previous Years Economics Mains Questions for UPSC General Studies Paper – 3

Download Indian Economy Notes For UPSC Examination


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