
Physical Change

Everything around us undergoes certain changes. Changes can be either physical or chemical. The term 'matter' refers to anything that has mass... View Article


Europium Symbol Eu Atomic Number 63 Atomic Mass 151.964 amu Discovered by Eugène-Anatole Demarçay in 1901 Group... View Article

Rubidium (Rb)

Rubidium Symbol Rb Atomic Number 37 Atomic Mass 85.4678 g.mol -1 Discovered by Gustav Kirchhoff and Robert Bunsen... View Article


Lightning is one of the most beautiful displays we can see in our nature which can certainly be deadly at times. It is a sudden electrostatic... View Article


This article helps one to lucidly understand the thunderstorms, how it is formed due to updrafts and downdrafts. It also briefly shares the 3... View Article


In Mathematics, surds are the values in square root that cannot be further simplified into whole numbers or integers. Surds are irrational... View Article


In Mathematics, logarithms are the other way of writing the exponents. A logarithm of a number with a base is equal to another number. A... View Article

Factorization Polynomials

A polynomial can be written as the product of its factors having a degree less than or equal to the original polynomial. The process of factoring... View Article

Amplitude of a Wave

A sound is a form of energy that is produced by vibrating bodies. It requires a medium for its propagation. Hence, sound cannot propagate in a... View Article

What is Farm Forestry?

Farm Forestry means growing trees on farmlands for commercial purposes like timber production or for variety of non-commercial purposes like... View Article