
Are Bitcoins safe?

Yes, bitcoins are safe, but no investments are completely free of risks. Bitcoins are legal. There is no governing body to protect investments in... View Article

What is bitcoin used for?

Bitcoin can be used to buy Xbox games, book hotels on expedia. Bitcoins can be exchanged for services, products and other currencies. You can... View Article

How does bitcoin work?

There are no intermediaries when the bitcoins are transferred from peer-to-peer over the bitcoin network. All the bitcoin transactions are... View Article

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency. Bitcoins can be exchanged for services, products and other currencies. Bitcoin was released in... View Article

What is BEPS Action 5?

One of the four minimum standards of the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) project is BEPS Action 5. The Organisation for Economic... View Article