Geography Questions and Answers for UPSC

Aspirants preparing for the civil services examination and looking for brief and befitting answers to the questions based geography syllabus of the IAS exam have landed at the correct place. Physical geography, climate, resources, urbanization, etc. are the topics covered under geography and questions based on the same have been given below for the candidates’ reference.

Considering the vast UPSC Syllabus, BYJU’S brings to you a list of important questions along with their answers to prepare for geography, one of the main subjects for both, prelims and mains examination.

In this article, aspirants can get direct and aligned answers to geography questions, with a focus on the UPSC Mains General Studies-I paper. This will help candidates easily comprehend the syllabus and get straightforward answers to all their topic-related queries.

Denitrification is the last stage of the nitrogen cycle. Nitrate present in the soil is also reduced to nitrogen by the process of...
Decomposers break apart complex organic materials into more elementary substances. The decomposers, namely bacteria or fungi present in the soil,...
The oxygen cycle is a biological process which helps in maintaining the oxygen level by moving through three main spheres of the earth which are:...
The oxygen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle of oxygen. It is mainly involved in maintaining the level of oxygen in the atmosphere. Oxygen is the...
Oxygen is the main by-product of photosynthesis. It is involved in the oxidation of carbohydrates with the release of energy, carbon dioxide and...
Oxygen is an important element required for life. The oxygen cycle begins with the process of photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight,...
Rocks do not remain in their original form for long but may undergo transformation. The Rock cycle is a continuous process through which old...
The key processes of the rock cycle are: Crystallization:As the magma cools, different crystals form at different temperatures, undergoing...
There are three different types of sedimentary rocks. Clastic sedimentary rocks: Formed from clasts or pieces of other rock. (Eg: sandstone)...
There are many different kinds of rocks that are grouped under three families on the basis of their mode of formation. They are:  Igneous...
Rock cycle order: Igneous Rocks-when the molten magma cools; it solidifies to become igneous rock. Sedimentary Rocks- igneous rocks are broken...
The polar vortex is the name given to the counterclockwise flow of air that occurs over the polar regions of a planet. On Earth, the vortex...
Six countries border with the Black Sea. They are: North: Ukraine South: Turkey East: Russia and Georgia West: Bulgaria and Romania Further...
Yes, global warming affects the polar vortex. Global warming reduces the temperature difference between the warmer mid-latitude and polar...
Pediplain is a broad and relatively flat rock surface formed by the joining of several pediments. As water and wind slowly erode and disintegrate...
V-shaped valleys are carved out by the river in their youthful stages. They are formed by the erosional actions of the rivers. Their shapes are...
Plate tectonic theory revolutionized Earth sciences by providing a uniform context for understanding mountain-building processes, volcanoes, and...
All the exogenic geomorphic processes are covered under the general term, denudation. The word ‘denude’ means to strip off or to...
Hemis National Park is the largest National park in India covering an area of 4400 square Km. Further Reading: National Parks in India...
Pelagic deposits consist of organic material in the form of marine plants and animals as well as inorganic material. They are generally found in...