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Soil transported by gravitational force is called?

  • Soil transported by the gravitational force is called Colluvium soil.
  • Under the gravitational force, the parent material moves down the slope. Water and wind act as secondary transportation agents responsible for the movement in some cases.
  • Colluvium is 
    1. Heterogenous
    2. Unsorted material of different particle sizes
    3. Requires little abrasion to round the particles.
    • The process by which colluvium is deposited at the bottom of the hillslope is known as Colluviation.
    • Colluvium soil also contains buried soils, known as paleosols, crude breeding, and cut and fill sequences.
    • Colluvium soil has deep rootable material, which provides nutrients and moisture to plants.

    Further Reading:

    Find more related IAS Questions in the linked article. 

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