• The largest inland saltwater lake in India is Sambhar Lake.
  • Located in the Sambhar Lake Town in the Jaipur district of Rajasthan, it is a major contributor to Rajasthan’s salt production. It spreads over an area of 230 km.
  • Sambhar Lake forms a part of the Endorheic basin,which means a drainage basin with no outflow of water to external sources. As a result, the salt received by the water body gets collected at the bottom of the lake, making it salty.
  • Six rivers including Mantha, Rupangarh, Khari, Khandela, Medtha, and Samod give water to the Sambhar Lake. It has a catchment area of 5700 square km.
  • The largest coastal saltwater lake in India is Chilka lake.
  • Sambhar lake is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. It has a number of migratory birds and flamingos visiting the place and is one of the largest breeding grounds for Flamingos in India.
  • The largest saltwater lake in the world is the Caspian Sea.
  • Further Reading:

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