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What is the National game of Spain?

  • Bullfighting is the national game of Spain.
  • It is practiced predominantly in Spain as well as countries like Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
  • In this game, humans or other animals engage in a physical fight with the fighting bull, in an attempt to vanquish or kill it.
  • The most famous type of bullfighting is Spanish bullfighting.
  • There are three parts of Spanish bullfighting;Tercio de varas, Tercio de Banderillas, and Tercio de Muerte.
  • Bullfighting is banned by law in a number of countries like Argentina, Canada, Italy, Denmark, and the United Kingdom based on concerns over animal welfare, religion, and funding.
  • A performer in bullfighting, who finally kills the bull is known as a Matador or bullfighter.
  • Further Reading:

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    • Bullfighting is the national game of Spain.
    • It is practiced predominantly in Spain as well as countries like Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela.
    • In this game, humans or other animals engage in a physical fight with the fighting bull, in an attempt to vanquish or kill it.
    • The most famous type of bullfighting is Spanish bullfighting.
    • There are three parts of Spanish bullfighting;Tercio de varas, Tercio de Banderillas, and Tercio de Muerte.
    • Bullfighting is banned by law in a number of countries like Argentina, Canada, Italy, Denmark, and the United Kingdom based on concerns over animal welfare, religion, and funding.
    • A performer in bullfighting, who finally kills the bull is known as a Matador or bullfighter.

    Further Reading:

    Find more related IAS Questions in the linked article. 

    Related Links:

    Fantasy Sports in India

    Jim Corbett National Park

    Tiger Conservation in India

    List of Arjuna Award Winners

    World Athletics Championship, 2022

    List of Major National Sports Awards in India


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