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Who was the first woman Chief Minister of India?

  • Sucheta Kripalani was the first Woman Chief Minister of India.
  • She was elected the fourth chief minister of Uttar Pradesh from the Kanpur constituency and served a term of four years from 1963-1967.
  • A noted politician, administrator, and freedom fighter, she was also an active participant in the Quit India movement and Partition riots. She was a member of the sub-committee that drafted the Indian Constitution.
  • She was the founder and president of the All India Women Congress, established in 1940.
  • The first woman Governor of India was Sarojini Naidu, who governed Uttar Pradesh from 1947-1949.
  • Indira Gandhi was the first woman to become the Prime Minister of India. She was also the first woman to receive Bharat Ratna.
  • The longest serving Chief Minister of India was Sheila Dikshit, who was the Chief Minister of Delhi,for a term of 15 years from 1998. She was the second woman CM of Delhi.
  • Further Reading:

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