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Who was the founder of the Maurya Dynasty?

  • The Mauryan Empire was formed by Chandragupta Maurya, who ruled from 350-295 BCE.
  • Born in Pataliputra, he was a ruler who maintained an extensive empire.
  • Chandragupta seized the territories of the Northwest region after Alexander left the conquest of India.
  • He also defeated the Magadha Empire ruled by Dhana Nanda.
  • Chandragupta tried for territorial expansion and integration in India and succeeded except in a few places like Kalinga and Southern India.
  • Kautilya was the minister and advisor to Chandragupta Maurya. He was also known as “Chanakya”. His book, Arthashastra gave a detailed account of the Mauryan administrative system. 
  • Chandragupta had maintained a large army and made several conquests to South India.
  • His court was resided by a number of Greek historians, the prominent one being the Megasthenes. His notable work,Indica,gives a detailed description of India and the Indian people.
  • He also seized a large part of Eastern Persia including Afghanistan and Baluchistan from Seleucus Nicator, which finally ended with a peace treaty.
  • He was succeeded by his son, Bindusara.
  • Further Reading

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    Mauryan Administration

    Notes on Indian history

    The Decline of Mauryan Empire

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    Ashoka’s Edicts


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