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Whom did the people of Indus Valley Civilization worship?

  • Pashupati or the Proto Shiva was the chief deity worshipped by the people of the Indus Valley Civilization.
  • Archaeological excavations in Mohenjo Daro had retrieved the Pashupati seal. It depicted a three-faced human figure with buffalo, residing in a “cross-legged manner” on a throne, surrounded by an elephant, tiger, buffalo, rhinoceros, and two deer on the feet.
  • Also known as the Mahayogi seal, it is considered one of the oldest depictions of Lord Shiva or “Pashupati”.None of the seals of that time had images of human figures as most of them had images of animals.
  • Lord Shiva was known as ‘Mahayogi’ or the prince of Yogis,and ‘Pashupati ‘or the Prince of animals.
  • The name Proto Shiva was assigned by Sir John Marshall, who carried out the excavations in Mohenjodaro.
  • The Harappa and Mohenjo Daro were important sites of the Indus Valley Civilization. Both the cities are currently located in Pakistan.
  • The Pashupati seal is preserved in the National Museum, New Delhi.
  • The people of Indus Valley Civilization also worshipped Mother Goddess, Neem, Peepal, Sun, Fire, Earth, and Water.
  • Further Reading:

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