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HDI rank of India,2022 is?

  • HDI rank of India in the latest Human Development Report is 131.
  • India ranked 131 out of 188 countries in the world. It has maintained the rank of 2021,with a score of 0.645 based on the HDI factors.
  • The Human Development Index is published by the United Nations based on key dimensions of human development. They are life expectancy, education, and per capita income.
  • Norway topped the list with a score of 0.957, with Australia and Switzerland in the succeeding ranks.
  • India also ranked 123rd in the per capita carbon emission.

Human Development Index

  • The Human Development Index was created by two leading economists, Amartya Sen and Mahbub ul Haq.
  • It was first launched in 1990.
  • Though it reflects on HDI factors and policy choices, it does not present the reality of poverty, human security, empowerment, etc.
  • However, it helps to track the development over time and compare it with the developmental levels of different countries.

Further reading

Find more related IAS Questions in the linked article.

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