Environment Questions & Answers for UPSC

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greeds,” – Mahatma Gandhiji. Environment has become one of the focal points in discussions and debate across the globe. The significance of ‘Environment’ as a UPSC topic is also relatively bigger as questions surrounding climate change, ecology, biodiversity are seeing an upward trend in the civil services exam question papers.

This segment covers all your queries w.r.t environment, ecology, biodiversity, climate change and more. Not only will you find answers to a wide range of questions; you would also be able to align your UPSC preparation with these questions.

Benefits of Environment Questions for IAS Exam

The IAS Exam aspirants can get the following benefits while going through the below-mentioned environment questions:

  • It fits all – Questions from a minor issue to an issue that has a global relevance are covered.
  • Doesn’t Discriminate – None of the doubts of the aspirants have been neglected. All doubts that are related to the UPSC examination or are related to the basic knowledge of environment have been answered by UPSC experts.
  • Helps in Prelims, Mains GS 3 and even essay papers – These answers would solve various doubts w.r.t environment-related topics. Hence, these will come handy in all stages of examination.
  • Apart from IAS Exam, these questions can be useful for other government exams as well.
The National Air Quality Index is a pollution measurement index that transforms complex air quality data of eight pollutants into a single number...
Coming into contact with a suspended particulate will lead the following health effects: Irregular heartbeat  Aggravated asthma ...
The air quality index has the following categories: Good Satisfactory Moderately polluted Poor Very Poor Severe. The measurement of air quality...
Carbon monoxide can be reduced through the following methods: Installation of air filters in cities and towns Usage of proper fuel in kerosene...
Nitrogen dioxide is a chemical compound with the formula NO ₂. It is one of many nitrogen oxides. The NO ₂ is an intermediate in the industrial...
The four major indoor air pollutants are as follows: Asbestos Carbon monoxide Formaldehyde Cookstoves and Heaters Indoor air pollution is...
Indoor air pollution refers to dust, gases and dirt inside the buildings that have a polluting effect on the indoor air quality. Indoor air...
The most common indoor pollutants are as follows: Lead  Nitrogen Dioxide  Pesticides. Radon  Secondhand Smoke/Environmental...
The two causes of indoor air pollutants are as follows: Insufficient ventilation due to poor construction practices Using cooking appliances...
The five indoor pollutants are as follows: Particulate matter. Carbon monoxide. Secondhand tobacco smoke. Pesticides. Solvents. Indoor air...
Indoor toxins are pollutants that cause air pollutants within a structure. The most common indoor toxins are: Radon (Rn) Indoor Particulate...
The National Air Quality Monitoring Programme is a nation-wide programme of ambient air quality monitoring. The aim of the National Air Quality...
Lakes can be saved with the help of the following conservation methods: By practicing conservatory methods in agriculture lands Plant native...
The elements of a biodiversity action plan (BAP) are as follows: Making inventories of information about selected species and habitats...
Red tides can last as little as a few weeks or longer than a year, depending on the amount of algae present in the water. They can even subside...
The purpose of a biodiversity action plan (BAP) is to preserve biodiversity through the implementation of plans and safeguards that will save...
Red Tides is a natural phenomenon that happens in the oceans of the world. It is believed to be caused by the excess of algae in the water but...
Loss of biodiversity can be prevented by the following: Protection of endangered animals and plants in their natural habitat must be encouraged...
Biomagnification is the collection of a chemical by an organism from water and food  through exposure that causes a concentration of those...
The Conservation Management Plan (CMP) is a type of management strategy for historic assets, sites and habitats. It details the importance of an...