History Questions & Answers for IAS Exam

UPSC exam is considered to be one of the toughest exams conducted in the country and the preparation for the same requires thorough preparation and deep knowledge of various subjects included in the IAS syllabus. History constitutes to be one of the most important subjects for both prelims and mains examination.

Aspirants looking for brief answers to clear their queries regarding the wide-ranging ancient, medieval and modern history questions have landed at the correct place. We, at BYJU’S, bring to you direct, brief and crisp answers to questions based on history topics for your IAS Exam preparation.

Given below is the list of questions and candidates can find their answers for a better and easy understanding of concepts, with a special focus on General Studies I paper for the mains examination.

At the 1929 sessions of the Congress at Lahore, the demand for Purna Swaraj was made. The flag of India was hoisted by Jawaharlal Nehru on 31...
Michael O’Dwyer was killed by Udham Singh with a revolver concealed in a book. Michael O’Dwyer was giving a speech at Caxton Hall...
General Dyer opened fire on the gathering at Jallianwala Bagh in order to strictly enforce Martial Law prevailing that was in effect at Amritsar...
The Salt Law was broken by Mahatma Gandhi during the infamous Salt Satyagraha. It was an act of nonviolent civil disobedience in colonial India...
The main demand of the Kheda peasants was relaxation in paying the revenue. They were unable to pay the revenue because of excessive taxes and an...
The basic precepts of satyagraha are as follows: Truth and non-violence Abolition of untouchability Nonviolence. Nonviolence means causing no...
The reason why the Champaran Satyagraha was undertaken was because the tenant farmers of the district were exploited inhumanely by the British...
Mahatma Gandhi played a crucial role in the Champaran Satyagraha. He launched the first satyagraha movement in India in order to fight against...
Champaran in Bihar is famous as being the location of the first Satyagraha movement launched  by Mahatma Gandhi in India and by extension,...
The results of the Champaran movement were as follows: The Champaran Agrarian Bill was passed which gave great relief to the indigo cultivators...
The two principles of Mahatma Gandhi’s Satyagraha are as follows: Insistence on the Truth, holding to the Truth Dependence on the force...
Mahatma Gandhi's nonviolence is the search for truth. His whole life has been "experiments of truth". It was in this course of his pursuit of...
The main features of satyagraha are as follows: Truth and non-violence Abolition of untouchability Social equality Basic education...
Satyagraha means employing the purest soul-force against the injustice, oppression and exploitation that prevails in society. The major...
Mahatma Gandhi used the technique of satyagraha which was based on nonviolence, non cooperation, truth and honesty.  He also used the...
The first woman president of the Indian National Congress was Annie Besant.   Annie Besant was a British socialist, theosophist,...
The following reasons were the reasons for the breakout of the Russian Revolution: The people of Russia were not happy with the rule of Tsar...
The Russian Revolution in 1917 ended the centuries old Russian Empire, transforming it into the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). It...
The 3 main causes of the Russian Revolution were as follows: Tsar Nicholas II had mismanaged his country to the extent that the economy of the...
The 3 facts about the Russian Revolution are as follows: Russian losses in World War One contributed to dissent in 1917. Russian military...