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The Climate Change Knowledge Network in Indian Agriculture was launched in which year?

  • The Climate Change Knowledge Network in Indian Agriculture(CCKNIA) was launched in 2013 in Jharkhand, Odisha, and Maharashtra for a period from 2015-2017.
  • It was implemented by the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE).
  • Launched in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, the aim of the project was to provide information on the relevant sectors of agriculture on matters related to climate change. It was implemented at the national, regional, and district levels.
  • It worked with the extension systems and local networks to provide relevant information on climate change adaptation promptly.
  • The rural women and men who were threatened by the unpredictable climate changes were the primary target audience.
  • The improved access to updated, timely, authentic, and location-specific information would help the target audience including farmers to be better equipped and adapt to climate change.
  • The project studied 270 villages on the nature of the information flow and further possibilities in disseminating information.
  • The Network for Information on Climate Change (EX) change (NICE) is an open-source platform that facilitates a multi-modal approach for two-way communication that links farmers’ needs to local experts on a real-time basis.
  • Further Reading:

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