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Who led the Vedaranyam March in 1930?

  • The Vedaranyam March was a part of the Civil disobedience movement led by C.Rajagopalachari in 1930.
  • A close disciple of Mahatma Gandhi, he led the march as a prolongation of the Dandi March to protest against the Salt tax imposed by the British on Indians.
  • A group of 150 volunteers, mostly members of the Indian National Congress accompanied him from Trichinopoly to Vedaranyam in Tamil Nadu. They collected the salt directly from the sea as a part of the protest.
  • The prominent members of the march were Rukmini Lakshmipathi, K. Kamaraj, Aranthangi C. Krishnaswamy, M. Bhaktavatsalam, and Rajaji’s son, C. R. Narasimhan.
  • Rajagpalachari tried to educate the masses on social discrimination and talked about the importance of Khadi.
  • C.Rajagopalachari, also known as ‘Rajaji’ was the first Indian Governor General of Independent India. He was the editor of Young India, a newspaper by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • The Vedaranyam march came to an end on 28 April 1930 with the arrest of its members. Rajagopalachari was imprisoned for a term of six months.
  • Further Reading:

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    Related Links:

    Salt Satyagraha

    Dandi March

    Indian Independence Movement

    Rise of Indian National Movement

    Gandhi in Indian Freedom Struggle

    Gandhi Irwin Pact


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