Cartography - Introduction

The art and science of making maps are known as Cartography. A German cartographer named Martin Behaim made the oldest extant globe on Earth in 1492. It is the graphical representation of a geographical area, usually on a flat surface such as a map or chart. This article will throw light on Cartography.

Cartography – Brief History

  • From the 15th century to the 17th century, in the age of exploration, European cartographers copied earlier maps and drew new maps based on new surveying techniques and observations of explorers.
  • The inventions of the sextant, telescope and magnetic compass helped in increasing the accuracy of maps.
  • A German cartographer named Martin Behaim made the oldest extant globe on Earth. This map was made in 1492.

Cartography – Types

The different types of cartography are:

  • Cadastral maps and plans
  • Navigation charts
  • Thematic maps
  • Topographic maps
  • General reference

Cadastral Maps and Plans

By joining together cadastral plans, cadastral maps are produced. A cadastral map is a general land administrative tool which has no real legislative basis. Cadastral maps are produced based on demand. As it is produced on demand, these maps need not necessarily be up-to-date.

  • Cadastral maps are used by a broad range of people for different purposes, such as planning, valuation, real estate sales, etc.
  • Cadastral maps are one of the most ancient forms of mapping.
  • Ancient Egyptians used cadastral mapping.
  • Cadastral maps are also known as one of the best forms of mapping. It is best because almost all land parcels in relation to one another and the adjoining roads are shown in the cadastral maps.

Topography Maps – Uses and Applications

Topography maps incorporate artificial and natural features. There are contour lines in topography maps which helps us to understand the elevations and steepness of the slopes. Some of the applications and uses of topography maps are given below:

  • Topography maps are tied into the climate models by climate scientists to understand the water and airflow.
  • Topography maps are used by the hikers to understand the steepness of the slopes.
  • Topography maps are used by mining engineers.
  • Topography maps are used by Geologists to understand the landforms, tectonic activity, etc.
  • Scientists use topography maps to study the surface of asteroids, mars, and the moon.

Related Links

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What is cartography?

Cartography is the art and science of graphically representing a geographical area, usually on a flat surface such as a map or chart.

Is the study of cartography a separate discipline?

As a discipline, the study of cartography is most commonly found in the departments of geography in North America. In many other places, usually, the study of cartography is often a separate discipline.

What are the different types of cartography?

The different types of cartography are cadastral maps and plans, navigation charts, thematic maps, topographic maps and general reference.

What is the purpose of cartography?

Cartography is most relevant in understanding the locations and geography of the world.

What tools are used in cartography?

Currently, cartographers frequently use satellite images, digital cameras and scanners etc.