
Frequency Polygons

A frequency polygon is almost identical to a histogram, which is used to compare sets of data or to display a cumulative frequency distribution.... View Article

Mode Of Data & Statistics

In statistics, the mode is the value that is repeatedly occurring in a given set. We can also say that the value or number in a data set, which... View Article

Theoretical Probability

Every one of us would have encountered multiple situations in life where we had to take a chance or risk. Depending on the situation, it can be... View Article

Standard Identities

Standard Identities Consider the following equation: 2(x+3) = 2x+6 What can you say about the above equation? In LHS, if you substitute the... View Article

Chance And Probability

Suppose you go to watch a cricket match. When the match begins both the participating teams have an equal chance of winning. Slowly, when the... View Article

Modes Of Reproduction

Reproduction is a process by which one organism produces offsprings. It is one of the basic processes in all known life forms. Every organism we... View Article