

In Physics, the sound is characterized based on the pitch, frequency, loudness, and timbre. Timbre is one of the characteristics exhibited by the... View Article

Integral Calculus

Integral Calculus is the branch of calculus where we study integrals and their properties. Integration is an essential concept which is the... View Article

Angina Pectoris

Angina Pectoris is a medical term for chest discomfort or pain as a result of coronary heart disease. It occurs when the heart does not receive... View Article


In mathematics, a combination is a way of selecting items from a collection where the order of selection does not matter. Suppose we have a set... View Article

Thermal Energy

Table of Contents What is Thermal Energy? What is Thermal Energy Storage? How does Thermal Storage Energy Work? Thermal Energy Storage... View Article

Perimeter Of Shapes

We come across many shapes in daily life.  Consider a triangle, a rectangle, a square or any other shape. Every shape begins with a line or a... View Article

What is Optimization ?

Mathematical optimization is the selection of the best element based on a particular criterion from a set of available alternatives. In simple... View Article