FTP Full Form - File Transfer Protocol

What is the full form of FTP?

The full form of FTP is File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a standard protocol for the transfer of files between computer systems from one client to one server over a TCP / IP network (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). It is mounted on the architecture of a client server and the foundation of an Application layer. Such as HTTP it is running at the top of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). FTP uses two TCP connections in parallel to send a document

  • Data connection
  • Control connection

History of FTP

  • FTP was formulated and provided as RFC 114 in 1971, on 16 April.
  • Abhay Bhushan developed the first FTP features.
  • RFC 765 had taken the place of RFC 114 in June 1980.
  • The current feature ongoing is RFC 959.
  • DOS command prompt was used to evaluate the first FTP apps.

Working of FTP

  • As the operation of HTTP and SMTP is identical to that of FTPs.
  • By signing into the account, users give the authorisation and authentication.
  • Although few servers act as Anonymous FTP, this indicates that they are offering their information without logging in.
  • Transfer of a file from a client to the server is known as Upload
  • Transfer of a file from the server to the client is known as Download.
  • Thus it is generally used to handle uploading files to a server using the internet, and to method downloading files over the internet from a server.

Characteristics of FTP

  • FTP offers protection to the file transfer
  • It gives a well preserved access control for its users.
  • It offers several File Transfer Approaches
  • It hides the information of the personal computer

Benefits of FTP

  • FTP enables multiple files to be moved between different folders.
  • FTP offers the ability to resume transfer of the interrupted file.
  • FTP allows you to add objects to an upload or download queue.

Limitations of FTP

  • Security Deficit
  • Sale equality could be hard to achieve
  • FTP posses Assault security vulnerabilities
  • Quite difficult to monitor its operation.


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