VGA Full Form

What is the full form of VGA?

The full form of VGA is a Video Graphics Array. IBM initially established the VGA standard. It uses analogue signals and offers a 640-480 resolution display with 16 colours at a time and a 60 Hz refresh rate. From the 262, 144 colour series, it shows a maximum of 256 colours at a time. To transform analogue RCB (red, green and blue) signals, it comprises a 6-Bit Digital to Analog transformer.

VGA was launched for its PS/2 line of PCs by IBM in 1987. The original VGA graphics card was the first to provide the ability to view up to 16 colours at a screen resolution of 640 × 480 pixels. VGA could show up to 256 colours at a lower resolution of 320 × 200 pixels, making it possible to render lowercase. Because of this, it was included in the original OS loading mode. For instance, the Windows OS of Microsoft has loaded its iconic opening screen in VGA colour.

Features of VGA

  • VGA provides a resolution of 640 ×480 pixels with sixteen colours at a time.
  • VGA supports both the graphics modes of All Points Addressable and the alphanumeric text mode.
  • From the 262, 144 colour array, VGA reveals a maximum of 256 colours at a time.
  • The VGA has a 60 Hz refresh rate.
  • VGA uses 256 KB of memory but does not have any extra memory.


  • Each and every supplier supports all computers.
  • There is only one standard for VGA and no variants. If the device has a VGA-out, it can attach to the VGA-in appropriately.
  • VGA signals are analogue signals, meaning that more precision than digital signals would be usable.
  • VGA made it much easier for small letter characters to be rendered, and the transparency improved.
  • VGA was an upgrade that generated a high resolution of 320-200 pixels over previous predecessors, such as the Enhanced Graphic Adapter.

Limitations of VGA

  • It is old technology with a limited amount of resolution assisted by it.
  • VGA’s colour capability is smaller than some of its successors.


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